Effect of difference sources and levels of lime application on yield, nutrient availability and uptake of rice in acidic soils


  • M David Israel Mansingh
  • S Suresh


Liming, Rice, Nutrients, Yield, B: C ratio


Soil acidity is an important agricultural problem while evaluating the production potential of most of the crops. A field experiment was conducted in farmers field at Gananadhasapuram village of Thovalaitaluk (strongly acidic soil) and Andarkulam village of Agastheswaramtaluk (moderately acidic soil) during Pishanam (Oct-Feb) and late Pishanam (Nov–Mar) season of 2017-2018 respectively, in the high rainfall zone to study the effect of different source and levels of lime on yield of rice and soil properties. Liming materials viz., dolomite and calcite were tried at different levels along with recommended fertilizers + ZnSO4. The experiment was conducted in RBD. The results of the experiment revealed that significantly higher grain (7.09 and 7.40 t ha-1) and straw (10.3 and 10.5 t ha-1) yield of rice were recorded with the application of dolomite @ 0.75 LR (6.36 t ha-1) (T7) and @ 0.50 LR (1.6 t ha-1) (T5) respectively in the strongly and moderately acidic soils along with recommended dose of fertilizers during pishanam and late pishanam seasons. Similarly, higher nutrient uptake was recorded in treatment T7 and T5 respectively both seasons as compared to other treatments. The soil pH, EC, available NPK, exchangeable Ca, Mg and DTPA extractable Zn, Cu were increased and the DTPA extractable Fe and Mn were decreased upon lime application irrespective of the sources. The economics of various treatments revealed that, the highest B:C ratio (1.86 and 2.56) was recorded with the application of dolomite @ 0.75 LR (6.36 t ha1) (T7) and @ 0.50 LR (1.6 t ha-1) (T5) along with recommended dose of fertilizers in the strongly and moderately acidic soils respectively during pishanam and late pishanam seasons. The study clearly indicated that in strongly acidic soils, the application of dolomite @ 0.75 LR (6.36 t ha-1) (T7) and in moderately acidic soils, dolomite @ 0.50 LR (1.6 t ha-1) (T5) along with recommended dose of fertilizers and ZnSO4 is found to be the best for getting higher yield and higher returns per rupee invested under rice cultivation.


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How to Cite

David Israel Mansingh, M., & Suresh, S. (2019). Effect of difference sources and levels of lime application on yield, nutrient availability and uptake of rice in acidic soils. Journal of Agriculture and Ecology, 7(7), 73–87. Retrieved from https://saaer.org.in/journals/index.php/jae/article/view/205